Career role model: Kerry Holden
I am an identical twin. My father was born in Jamaica and came to England when he was 21, my mother is English and I consider myself to be mixed race. My step-dad is also mixed race. I am also a born and bred Brummy but I’m very proud to be a Gloucestershire Nurse.

Kerry is the Deputy Director of Infection Prevention and Control at our hospitals
My education
First class BSc Nursing at Birmingham City University, Post graduate certificate in Infection Prevention and Control (level 7) from the University of Dundee, Non-medical prescriber (level 7) from UWE
Why nursing?
This may seem like a cliché but it is because I get to support and help people during some of their most difficult times. I get such a happiness high when I can make a difference to someone’s life, even if it’s something small.
Career path
Student Nurse; Band 5 Nurse on Infectious Diseases Unit; Band 6 Infection Prevention & Control nurse; Band 6 Infection Prevention & Control nurse; Lead Nurse for IPC and AMS and Deputy Director of Infection Prevention & Control
First job
Band 5 Nurse on Infectious Diseases Unit at City Hospital in Birmingham
Why this specialty?
I love the prevention part of my role, to be able to stop patients from getting infections and therefore being able to get on with their lives. I also love that I get to work with so many different people and every day is a different day. I also love being able to solve problems and challenges with others.
What obstacles have you faced and overcome?
In a previous role and before getting a mentor, I recall thinking that I was only ever going to stay a Band 5 Nurse. I remember a time when a senior member of the leadership on the ward said they could never get pregnant and take maternity leave because no one in the team was good enough to do the role in her place. I would go home desperately sad, thinking I was not good enough despite trying my absolute hardest to be the best person and nurse I could be… even going into work early every day and finishing late most days to help out. Unfortunately, I felt my only way to overcome that obstacle was to leave that organisation and I managed to get an IPC nurse job. In my new organisation, I met my role model and mentor and since then, I have never, not once felt inadequate. I have been supported and guided to every opportunity by that mentor and subsequent manager and my career has progressed well.
I love that I get to work with so many different people and every day is a different day
Kerry Holden
What role, if any, do you think that race has played in your career progression?
I have not faced adversity from any overt racism but I do wonder whether I have experienced unconscious bias that has affected some of my earlier roles and development.
Did you have a mentor or role model?
I did from within my profession and that role model has always supported and provided access to opportunities to develop and has always taken the time to listen
Do you have any tips for interviews and career progression?
Always go to visit a place and the people you want to work with ahead of an interview; prepare and ask questions. Get support from a coach and/ or role model; someone you aspire to be like.
What qualities are essential in your position?
Adaptiveness, approachability, a desire to help and competence from a knowledge and skills perspective.
Why Gloucestershire?
I love the people, I work with an amazing group of nurses who are passionate, motivated and supportive.
Sum yourself up in 3 words or phrases:
Credible, Friendly and Caring