Our Trust has 13 public governors who represent the views of their local communities in their respective constituencies.

Each governor seeks to represent views of patients and Trust members, but particularly in their constituencies, which include:

  • Cheltenham Borough Council
  • Cotswold District Council
  • Forest of Dean District Council
  • Gloucester City Council
  • Out of County
  • Stroud District Council
  • Tewkesbury Borough Council

Cheltenham Borough Council

Peter Mitchener (elected 2022)

Photograph of governor Peter Mitchener

Having lived in Cheltenham for 31 years Peter is passionate about using his skills and experience to improve the lives and health of Gloucestershire’s population as evidenced by his current voluntary roles.

He is a qualified leader in running fitness and Chair of Almost Athletes running club, a member of the core team which organises Cheltenham parkrun, a driver supporting charity shops of National Star, Trustee for Crossroads Care Gloucestershire, community involvement adviser for East Gloucestershire multi-sports Club, welcome team member at Cheltenham Festivals and a school governor at Balcarras for many years where he's currently Vice Chair and Operations Committee Chair, having previously been Finance Chair. Peter was the lead marshal supporting the COVID vaccination rollout at the Fire station.

Peter relishes being a trusted critical friend who will encourage, challenge and provide an independent opinion. He has a huge community network to access to contribute to the future direction of the Trust and the strategies needed to get there.

He brings the relevant skills from his previous career as an Actuary having performed governance, proposition, financial, marketing, supplier management and business change roles.

Mike Ellis (elected 2021)


Mike retired from General Practice at the end of 2018, having been a partner at Royal Crescent Surgery from 1981 to 2002, and then a partner at Berkeley Place Surgery until 2016, after which he worked as a locum GP in Cheltenham. He first came to Cheltenham in 1977 to train in Anaesthetics at the General Hospital and was fortunate to be able to work as a part-time anesthetist locally from 1982 to 1999. He responded to the call to help in the Covid pandemic, and between April 2020 and May 2021 he worked for the Covid Clinical Assessment Service supporting NHS111.

Mike was born in Oxford, into a medical family. He trained at The London Hospital (now Royal London & Barts). He and his wife ( a chartered physiotherapist) have lived in the Leckhampton area for nearly 40years.

Throughout his career, he sought to ensure that patients received the best possible care. Every patient is an individual who has specific personal needs and expectations. Balancing those specific needs against the constraints of an NHS with limited funds requires experience in treating patients and knowledge of the challenge of working for the NHS. Mike feels that his experience of patient needs in primary care and the interface between the community and secondary care will enable him to support the Trust as it recovers from its “Long-Covid” and beyond.

Mike believes he has the enthusiasm, experience and skills to fulfill the responsibilities of a hospital governor, and to contribute towards ensuring Gloucestershire Hospitals NHSFT delivers a service that makes us all feel safe, expertly cared for and proud.

Cotswold District Council

Bryony Armstrong (elected 2023)

Bryony Armstrong

Representing the Cotswold district on the Council of Governors is a huge honour for Bryony. Bryony has first-hand knowledge and experience of health services, both in Gloucestershire and further afield.

Bryony has chaired the Trust’s Young Influencers meetings and has effectively engaged with young people and others, in order to understand what matters most to them. Bryony’s involvement with the Young Influencers has given her a passion for driving improvement - especially for children & young people’s services - something she continues to pursue.

Bryony will represent Cotswold District and other young people who otherwise may not have an opportunity to speak up. In representing these two groups, she provides a unique and invaluable contribution to the Council.

Douglas Butler (elected 2024)

Governor – Douglas Butler_

I have lived in Stratton (Cirencester) for 3 years now. I am a retired teacher and trainer (secondary mathematics, with a specialism in the use of technology in education). My Father was a surgeon at the London Hospital, I have a daughter who is a physio at National Star College Cheltenham, and my daughter-in-law is a GP in Tewkesbury.

I am an active member of the Patients Participation Group in Cirencester (Phoenix Health Group), and I have helped to create the annual wellness event in Cirencester. I would like to become involved with the Cotswold constituency of the Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS foundation Trust. I hope to join the debate about the use of education to keep people healthier, and away from the hospitals’ waiting lists.

I bring to this role a keen awareness of the effectiveness of Primary Care though my PPG membership. I have strong IT skills.

Forest of Dean District Council

Matt Bishop (elected 2023)

Governor Matt Bishop

I am a former Police Officer and have been a Governor and trustee in many schools around the county, including as Chair. I used my time in these roles to help shape the provision of education provided to its schools. I remain involved in education, working as an Education Welfare Officer and being a trustee at a nursery in Cinderford as well as a school governor and director at 3 schools.

I am an elected member of Cinderford Town Council and the Forest of Dean District Council representing Cinderford East. One of my roles within the council includes me being chosen as the council representative for Teens in Crisis. I am elected as the district council Chair of the Audit Committee and am one of Cinderford Town Council representatives on the health forum.

I have a passion for the NHS and wish to be able to have a positive impact on local residents’ experiences of the service. I have also had to use NHS services on occasion and have always been impressed with their offer. I now want to give something back to such a wonderful service.

Susan Mountcastle (elected 2024)

Governor – Susan Mountcastle

I am interested in becoming one of your governors because I have the time and commitment to bring to the role and the enthusiasm to learn and carry out the required tasks. I have some relevant experience having been employed by Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Integrated Care Board up to February 2023 when I retired from full time work. My role there was PA to the Director of Planned Care and Director of Integrated Care. I was also the admin PA for the COVID 19 committee under the chairmanship of one of our GPs. So, I am used to the jargon used in the NHS and some of the processes.

From 2012 to 2017 I was an elected member of Birmingham City Council and my principal role was Chair of Scrutiny of Health and Social Care so I am used to working with health and social care colleagues and for a period of about 12 months I was the Council’s elected representative on the governing body of UHP Birmingham (Queen Elizabeth) so I am familiar with the processes of a busy governing body; not just the governing body meetings but the monthly visits to hospital departments. My husband, Graham, and I moved to Mitcheldean 18 months ago and have become involved in various community groups. I am a Parish Clerk at Weston under Penyard Parish Council just over the County border in Herefordshire, and I am keen to become more involved in my community.

Gloucester City Council

Fiona Hodder (elected 2022)

Photograph of governor Fiona Hodder

Fiona Hodder was born in Bristol trained as a Nurse in Reading, where she lived for many years, before settling in Gloucester in 2015. She has worked in and around health and social care for all her working life.

Fiona started as a cadet nurse, then as a registered nurse, followed by a career in the medical devices industry and is now the owner and registered manager of a domiciliary care business, based in Gloucester. She is married and is also a mother and grandmother.

Fiona is passionate about the delivery of excellent care, whether that is in hospital or the persons’ own home and sees a need for more synergy across the varied points of care delivery, to ensure treatment and care provision is underpinned by offering choice, be person-centred, dignity focussed and offer smooth transition across the continuum of health and care locations. In her various roles over the years Fiona has witnessed many organisational changes across the NHS and feels strongly that those organisations are held accountable to their clients, the taxpayers.

Fiona has a range of skills and experience across health care delivery, including understanding some of the intricacies of NHS procurement, through many years spent working with medical devices and equipment. She has a current understanding of the challenges associated with moving patients on from hospital and a desire to see that the patient experience is as positive as possible.

“I hope that my combined healthcare and business knowledge can be well utilised as a publicgovernor with the Trust and I look forward to becoming involved wherever I may be able to add value.”

Emma Mawby (elected 2024)

Governor – Emma Mawby

Emma’s professional career spans over thirty years, first in industry and then in consultancy, working with major companies across more than twenty-five countries. Her focus is looking at what people want and need locally, and how they make the choices about what is right for them. Then helping organisations understand it, plan it, and deliver it successfully and cost-effectively.

Emma wants to focus on earlier diagnosis in Gloucestershire so that patients can be diagnosed at the earliest possible opportunity. And to ensure that, over time, more services are local to reduce the number of patients who are having to travel out of the county for treatment. Overall, it’s about making sure that more high quality and timely NHS care will become available to more patients.

Emma has seen the extraordinary compassion, care and professionalism of NHS staff over time. That’s why she has volunteered with the NHS over the last seven years at a number of levels - national, Gloucestershire and locally here in Gloucester. Working with everyone from new starters right up to senior NHS leaders.

Emma’s business and volunteering experiences have both taught her that our diverse local needs really do matter. That every patient and carer matters. And that each of our unique histories matters. Because going forward it is all of our experiences together that should shape how the NHS delivers for us here in Gloucester.

Out of County

Merleen Watson (elected 2022)

Photograph of Governor Merleen Watson

Merleen is profoundly deaf and live in Broadway with her Hearing Dog and husband, Paul. They access our primary healthcare in Morton in Marsh.

Her hearing loss became a problem in her early 30s, so she became a hearing aid user. Her work has always included communicating with people; in personnel management and training, then teaching, management, and inspection roles in education.

Early retirement enabled them to cruise the river and canal systems of this country: the Gloucester and Sharpness Canals, are a personal favourite – no locks! Back on dry land, the meaning of retirement combined with hearing loss hit Merleen. She searched for support and found an amazing lip-reading teacher who gave weekly lessons above the best tea rooms in town! She served a mix of lipreading with cakes and coffee!

Merleen searched for volunteering opportunities, including Diabetes UK, with whom she trained as a speaker. She was recommended to be trained as a lay reviewer for CQC, with particular interests in diabetes and hearing impairment. Merleen completed four reviews; contentious and high profile. She helped to form the PPG at our local practice, and two others.

She'e also passionate about introducing the hearing world to that of hearing-impaired people - one in five of the population. How medical services are accessed is vital to optimising success in patient outcomes. Staff and volunteers also need support. Hearing Impairment costs the economy £25bn a year; £15bn directly related to healthcare.

In January 2020, she was invited to talk to the Trust Board, about hearing loss provision across the hospitals, based on her experiences of care. Members were very responsive and committed to demonstrate best practices at every level. It is against this background that she feels she could make a positive contribution as a Governor.

Stroud District Council

Jeremy Marchant (elected 2022)

Photograph of Jeremy Marchant, wearing a blue shirt and glasses

Jeremy was a public governor of Gloucestershire Hospitals trust between 2017 and 2020. Latterly he has been a public governor of SW Ambulance Service trust. These experiences enable him to understand both sides of a vital yet complex relationship. He has worked as a trainer and coach in a number of NHS trusts, including University Hospitals Bristol and the Great Western Hospital, as well as in Skills for Health. He was a volunteer with Healthwatch Gloucestershire for a number of years. Jeremy’s background is in corporate businesses where he specialised in the design of large IT systems and developed design methods that ensured that the resulting software actually met the client’s needs. He was variously a project manager, business consultant, and interim manager, in organisations as diverse as Marks and Spencer, Hewlett-Packard, and GCHQ. He was an internal auditor at M&S for three years.

Since moving from London, where he was born, to Stroud in 2003, he has specialised in working with individuals and smaller businesses, often helping them discover how they were getting in their own way: ‘A person stands in their own shadow and wonders why it is dark, as the Zen saying goes. His particular interests are leadership and engagement. In addition to business coaching, he has trained in both psychodynamic counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy and, these days, he primarily works as a coach, teacher, and counsellor.

Whilst he passionately believes in the NHS as a non-commercial organisation, he has a particular interest in appropriating the best practices from the commercial sector and using them in the NHS.

Jeremy is the secretary of a registered charity and, in a previous life, was a composer, arranger, and music journalist writing for Fanfare, the prestigious US classical music magazine.

Pat Eagle (re-elected 2019)

Governor Pat Eagle

Pat moved to Slimbridge six years ago. Previously Pat has been a Warden of Sheltered Housing and a Publican. Pat has been on a very personal journey with the NHS having been diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2000 before getting involved in the Peninsula Cancer Network. Her passion is Cancer Services and Research and Clinical Trials although she is interested in all aspects of health care.

Pat's aim is to harness her experience to work with the Trust in providing excellent quality care for everyone.

Tewkesbury Borough Council

Andrea Holder (elected 2021)


Andrea worked in the public sector for 35 years undertaking a variety of clinical, management, and national roles. She worked for the NHS, the Care Quality Commission, the Department of Health, and in Healthcare Risk Management. Taking early retirement in 2014, she undertook numerous voluntary positions including working for English Heritage, Riding for the Disabled, and as a member of the Luton Children’s Safeguarding Board where-in the latter organisation she undertook the role of ‘Chair of the Multi-Agency Audit Group and actively participated to provide information and evidence for an Ofsted inspection across all children’s safeguarding services in Bedfordshire.

Moving to Gloucestershire in 2017, Andrea has become an active member of her local community and is currently the Chairperson of a small Charity responsible for running and maintaining the village hall which involves close working with residents, the community at large, and the Charity Commission. Since taking up this position, she has updated and re-written the Constitution for the Charity, and overseen the renovation of the Hall. Since retiring, she has continued to maintain an interest in all matters relevant to the NHS and its partners and was particularly pleased to be able to provide local training facilities for the NHS to use during the recent lockdown.

Andrea has a Masters in Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management and is a graduate of the INSEAD Business School (France) where she participated and successfully completed the European Healthcare Leadership Programme.

Ian Craw (elected 2024)

Governor – Ian Craw

Ian has recently retired after a successful career in the aerospace industry, where he was a company director, company owner and professional design engineer. He has been a recent user of several NHS services within Gloucestershire, and believes he has a clear perspective as a patient himself. Ian wants to represent patients, and campaign for better NHS clinical services, and better rapid access to local health services.

Ian has relevant skills in corporate organisation, driving change, analysis of complex problems, and scrutiny of business systems.

Ian understands patients feel at their most vulnerable when they are ill, and needing to access healthcare, and is certain the public want to know NHS money is being spent wisely, and directly to benefit the health of everyone in the community. He want to make a difference, so everyone regardless of their background, can feel valued, and enjoy really fast access to the best NHS health care in Gloucestershire.