Carers’ charter launched at Gloucestershire Hospitals
Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has created a carers' charter to outline how the Trust and local community can work together as partners in delivering exceptional patient care.
The charter summarises what carers can expect from the Trust and how they can support. Aligned to Trust values, the carers' charter has been formally launched today by Chief Nurse and Director of Quality, Matt Holdaway at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital together with carers from the local community.
Carers will be central to the care planning, delivery of care and discharge for the patient being cared for (with their consent). The charter recognises the knowledge carers have for the person in their care and offers support, for example in how to receive a carer’s assessment and signposting to other organisations that can help.
Carers are encouraged to talk to staff about any concerns or support needs. Participation in a carers’ survey means that the Trust can learn from the experience of carers and improvements can be implemented if necessary.
Becky Fell, Patient and Carer Experience Improvement Manager, said: "The Carers' Charter is an opportunity to recognise the valuable role of carers and how as a Trust we can best support them. We are working in partnership with Gloucestershire Carers Hub to offer tailored support to unpaid carers in our community."
This charter runs alongside initiatives like the carers' passports and boxes that have been designed to offer support and information to carers. For more information please visit:
We care for over 800 residents of Gloucestershire as inpatients every day. Many of our staff are carers themselves and this charter demonstrates our recognition of the huge impact carers have and our commitment to work as partners with carers to give the best care to our patients.
Matt Holdaway, Chief Nurse and Director of Quality