Gloucestershire hosting life-saving cricket match
A Gloucestershire cricket club is hosting a match with a life-saving difference this week.

The England Wales Transplant Cricket Team is a side for cricketers who have received a life-saving organ, tissue and stem cell transplants.
The match is being played at Rockhampton Cricket Club, Rockhampton, Berkeley this Sunday (Sept 11) against a team from NHS Blood and Transplant made up of players involved in organ donation.
Mark Kennedy, the England and Wales captain said:
“We are all celebrating our second innings-a reminder of the generosity of our donors be they family, friends, or complete strangers who offered us a new chance of life. Playing this fixture against the NHS team is a fantastic way for us to show the amazing team of doctors and nurses how their work enables transplant recipients to lead a healthy and active life post-transplant.”
The match at the Boundary Field cricket ground, Rockhampton, Berkeley, Gloucestershire (GL13 9DR) starts at 11am on Sunday.
Register your donation decision by visiting NHS Organ Donor Register at and share your decision with your family.
Cricket has brought us all together and transplantation has given us another chance to play the game we love.
Mark Kennedy, the England and Wales captain