Hepatitis C: free testing events in Gloucestershire

30 May 2024, 1 p.m.

The World Health Organisation has set a target to end Hepatitis C worldwide by 2030. To help achieve this goal, the NHS is offering free testing to those who might be at risk.

Hepatitis C is a virus that can infect the liver. If left untreated, it can sometimes cause serious and potentially life-threatening damage to the liver over many years. Hepatitis C often does not have any noticeable symptoms until the liver has been significantly damaged. This means many people have the infection without realising it.

But with modern treatments, it's usually possible to cure the infection, and most people with it will have a normal life expectancy.

It's estimated around 118,000 people in the UK had chronic Hepatitis C in 2019.

You can become infected with it if you come into contact with the blood of an infected person. Hepatitis C is usually spread through blood-to-blood contact.

Some ways the infection can spread include:

  • Sharing unsterilised needles – including needles for recreational drugs, steroids or beauty treatments like botox
  • Sharing drug paraphernalia (spoons, needles, straws, filters, water)
  • A needlestick injury
  • Tattooing and body piercing
  • Sharing razors or toothbrushes
  • Living with someone with Hep C
  • Being street homeless or spending time in prison
  • Blood transfusion, blood products, or an organ or tissue transplant in the UK before 1996
  • It can be passed from a pregnant woman to her unborn baby
  • Rarely, it can be transmitted through unprotected sex
  • Some countries have a higher prevalence of Hepatitis C, so there can be a risk from dental and surgical treatment in some countries in Eastern Europe, South Asia and the Middle East.

Read more about Hepatitis C on the NHS website

Events in July

  • 3 July – 1000-1400: GL11 Community Hub, Fairmead, Cam, Gloucestershire GL11 5JS. – Testing Event
  • 6 July: Pride Tour, The Goods Shed, Tetbury, GL8 8EY – Awareness Event
  • 10 July 1230 – 1430: The Marah Trust Stroud - The Scout Hut , Chapel Street, Stroud, GL5 1DU – Testing Event
  • 28 July: Pride Tour, The Triangle, High Street, Cinderford - Testing Event (World Hepatitis Day)
  • As part of World Hepatitis Day we will also be touring with our Information Bus between 16 and 18 July – Locations to be announced.

Events in June

  • 8 June: Pride Tour, Abbey Grounds, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 2EG.– Testing Event
  • 10 June: Open Door, Unit 3, St George’s Business Park, Alstone Lane, Cheltenham, GL51 8HF – Testing Event

Events in May

We're continue to raise awareness and offer testing during May

  • May 11 – Polish Heritage Day Gloucester Park – Hepatitis C awareness
  • May 18 – Pride Event Imperial Gardens Cheltenham to include Hepatitis C testing and awareness
  • May 22 – Marah Trust, The Scout Hut , Chapel Street, Stroud, GL5 1DU – Hepatitis C testing

Events in April

We have testing events in the Forest of Dean at the venues and dates below.

  • April 10 10:30 am – 1:30 pm The Salvation Army, 43 North Road. Broadwell. GL16 7BX
  • April 15 10 am - 2 pm Acorn House, Belle Vue Road, Cinderford, GL14 2AA
  • April 22 11 am-1:30 pm Candi Space, 31 Market Street, Cinderford GL14 2RT