Sad loss of former Lead Governor Alan Thomas
We were saddened to learn of the death of our former Lead Governor, Alan Thomas, who was a pivotal member of our governing body for many years.
A former RAF Training Officer, Alan became a passionate and dedicated governor, with both personal and family experiences fuelling his commitment to the importance of patient experience in all we do.

Upon his election, Alan stated: “As a family, we have become immersed in many health issues, including funding for expensive treatments. We have also been fortunate to see firsthand the life-saving care provided by the NHS at the point of use. As an elected governor for Cheltenham, I see my role as one that serves the best interests of health service users by ensuring, to the best of my ability, that the Gloucestershire Hospitals Foundation Trust continues to deliver an excellent health service.”
Our thoughts are with Alan's wife, Teresa, and his family during this difficult time.