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Awarded to an individual or team of either hospital volunteers or members of the spiritual care team chaplaincy volunteers.

Viv Nicholson and Aggy

Viv Nicholson and Aggy the dog

Pets as Therapy, Oncology

Viv and her PAT dog Aggy are a fantastic resource. Retired physiotherapist Viv works tirelessly as a volunteer and Aggy is a beautiful cockapoo who enjoys making everyone smile. They make a regular trip to the Trust twice a month to visit oncology outpatients and wards, also visiting the colposcopy team at Cheltenham General. Every time Viv and Aggy come to visit, they raise the morale of the whole team.

Bryony Armstrong

Bryony Armstrong

Young influencers

As a young person with a lifetime of experience as a patient, Bryony’s life goal is to make a difference for other children and young people accessing hospital services. Bryony volunteers as a co-chair of the Trust Young Influencers group in addition to her role as a Trust Governor. She is passionate about being a voice for young people, as well as creating a space for others to be heard. Bryony is a driving force for change and volunteers her time, knowledge and insight to initiate meaningful and lasting improvements in the Trust.

Macmillan Cancer Support Hub

Macmillan Cancer Support Hub volunteers

The hub offers support to patients, families and anyone affected by cancer and regularly support up to 100 people each week. The support offered ranges from financial advice to information on diet, lifestyle and fitness to in-depth difficult conversations relating to feelings and even planning a patient's death. Always flexible, the volunteers offer their time consistently without question, contribute to fundraising events and are the glue that keeps the hub together.

Patti Evans

Patti Evans, Rendcomb

Ward Volunteer

Patti was a much-loved Health Care Assistant on Rendcomb Ward for many years before volunteering on the ward. She always demonstrates a positive attitude and is known for the kind and compassionate way she interacts with patients and staff. Patti also maintains the beautiful balcony on Rendcomb for patients to sit and relax. Patti offers patients and families support, whether it is making them a cup of tea, offering patients foot massages or reassuring patients and families that are going through a difficult time. Her contribution to patients, staff and the ward is invaluable.