Our CT Gamma Scanner Appeal reaches the half a million mark!

PXL_20220728_081346157.MP.jpg Runners, riders, donors and doctors are among the hundreds of people who have helped raise £500,000 for a life-saving hospital scanner.

The half a million milestone means there is just £100,000 to go to reach the target and bring revolutionary imaging equipment to our hospitals.

More than 4,000 patients every year in Gloucestershire will benefit from the state-of-the-art CT Gamma Scanner. This high-tech equipment provides two specialist scans at the same time; an external CT scan and a gamma scan from within the body, diagnosing conditions which otherwise may not be found.

The combination gives an incredible detail of picture quality, which helps patients from seriously ill children to people with conditions such as cancer, Parkinson's disease and sports injuries.

A great deal of the money came in through individual donations and from dedicated fundraisers who embarked on a host of amazing challenges such as bike rides, marathons and so much more for our appeal.


These include two Gloucestershire Hospitals staff who scaled the heights to raise more than £4,000. Deputy Chief Executive and Director for Safety and Medical Director, Mark Pietroni and Muslim Chaplain Atique Miah took part in a wing walk for the appeal earlier this year.

Atique, who raised more than £3,000 from his daredevil stunt, said he was so pleased to be able to help.

“I wanted to do something to help the charity, so I signed up for the wing walk and despite my fears, once the money started rolling in, I knew I needed to step up to the challenge,” he said.

“It was a daunting experience, but looking back, I wouldn’t change it. I am really proud to have done it and raise so much money for the appeal.

“These scanners are life changing for people. This will mean people won’t have to wait for a second scan which will save valuable time and money. I am so glad I have been able to do something to help.”

We launched the £600,000 appeal in October, and have been bowled over by the support so far.

Head of Fundraising Richard Smith said: “We are now very close to reaching the target and it is all down to the fantastic hard work of our many supporters.

“This new technology will make a massive difference to the treatment of so many patients across Gloucestershire.

“Thank you to everyone who has donated or raised money for us, and we hope that many more will continue to support us and make this enhanced technology a reality for our staff and patients.”

Thank you to everyone to has supported our Scanner Appeal. If you would like to make a donation, visit our donation page.

Making hospital life better

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