Pioneering Research Trial for Prostate Cancer launched in Gloucestershire

PACE Trial Thanks to donations to Focus and investment from the Trust, work has begun on a new PACE research trial at the Gloucestershire Oncology Centre.
PACE Trial

The PACE trial is investigating whether Radiotherapy given using SBRT over a 1-2 week period is as effective as standard Radiotherapy given over four weeks. Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SRBT) is a new treatment technique that can accurately deliver a high dose of Radiotherapy to the prostate in a smaller number of treatments

Elaine Smith

Research Radiographer, Elaine Smith is already busy working alongside her Trust colleagues and local cancer patients. “It really is a very exciting time at the moment. If the trial proves to be effective then it will have a huge impact; taking the number of treatments needed from 20 to just 5.”

“These appointments may be slightly longer but it would mean a dramatic change to the number of sessions needed and would have less of a disruption to a patient’s life - especially if they are working, caring for other family members or having to travel for appointments.”

“For us the priority is always about the patient experience and the care we give. We want to help people return to their everyday lives as soon as possible and we are really hopeful that this trial could make all the difference.”

Without patient support, these trials would not be possible, and we are incredibly grateful for anyone who chooses to take part.

“Being the third member of my immediate family to be diagnosed with prostate cancer and having two sons was obviously a major factor in my decision in signing up to take part in the PACE trials. I was eager to help progress the developing treatment of prostate cancer for the future generations.”

We would like to thank everyone who has made a donation to help support the lifechanging research work for local cancer patients. You can find out more about Focus - our charitable fund for the Gloucestershire Oncology Centre.

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