Submergence - A new immersive light experience at our hospitals

Squid Soup Thanks to a grant from Innovate UK, a new arts installation is helping local patients at Cheltenham and Gloucester Hospitals.
Squid Soup

The artwork project, known as ‘submergence’ uses hundreds of strands of individual LEDs to create a unique immersive light experience, with the aim of helping people feel calm and relaxed. It has been experienced by millions of people all over the world from galleries to festivals, but this will be the first time in a hospital environment.

Working in partnership with the charity on the project are Squidsoup; a UK-based international group of artists, researchers, technologists and designers working with digital and interactive media experiences. Their work combines physical and dynamic digital spaces with novel and intuitive forms of interaction to produce immersive, responsive and beguiling experiences.

The artwork is featuring in the waiting area in Oncology and the Children’s Centre. It aims to provide a calming and immersive experience for patients, whilst also hoping to inform future immersive technologies that might be used in a clinical setting.

“We aim to make hospital life better for everyone. Thanks to our supporters we’re able to fund artwork and improvements to the hospital environment for our patients and NHS staff. This project is another great example of how artwork can help patients to feel calm and relaxed and we are grateful to Innovate UK for their funding and our project partners Squidsoup.”

Richard Smith, Associate Director of the Charity

The art installation is one of a number of arts and environmental programmes that the charity is supporting. Other projects include the installation of sky ceilings to provide a welcome distraction for patients during radiotherapy treatment for cancer, quiet rooms to provide a calming space for patients feeling anxious and garden areas to give patients and staff the space to rest and re-energise.

We are incredibly grateful to our project partners Squidsoup and to Innovate UK for funding this cutting-edge research.

You can watch the full report at

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