Privacy notice
The privacy and security of your personal information is extremely important to us. This privacy notice explains how and why we use your personal data, to make sure you stay informed and can be confident about giving us your information.On this page
Who are ‘we’?
What personal data do we collect?
How we use your personal data
Our fundraising and marketing communications
Updating your data and marketing preferences
Building profiles of supporters
Philanthropy and prospecting
Creating Research Profiles
What information do we collect, and how do we use it?
What is the legal basis for Cheltenham and Gloucester hospitals Charity to process information about you?
We will keep this notice updated to show the things we do with your personal data. We will never sell your personal data, or share it with other organisations we work with.
Who are ‘we’?
Where you see the words ‘we’ ‘us’ and ‘our’ this refers to the Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Charitable Funds, with the trading name of Cheltenham and Gloucester Hospitals Charity.
The Cheltenham and Gloucester Hospitals Charity is a registered charity number 1051606. The charity aims to raise funds to make our local hospitals better for everyone in the community, by funding extra care and equipment over and above that provided by the NHS.
If you have any questions in relation to this privacy notice or how we use your personal data they should be sent to or addressed to Richard Hastilow-Smith, Cheltenham and Gloucester Hospitals Charity, Cheltenham General Hospital, Cheltenham GL53 7AN.
What personal data do we collect?
Your personal data (ie any information which identifies you, or which can be identified as relating to you personally for example, name, address, phone number, email address) will be collected and used by us. We’ll only collect the personal data that we need.
We collect personal data in connection with specific activities such as making a donation, participating in one of our fundraising events or volunteering.
You can give us your personal data by filling in forms for example on our website, registering for a fundraising event, or by corresponding with us (by phone, email or by becoming a supporter).
This personal data you give us may include name, title, address, date of birth, age, gender, employment status, demographic information, email address, telephone numbers and photographs. Other examples include financial information (payment information such as credit or debit card details and whether donations are gift-aided).
If you decide to donate to us, then we will keep records of when, and how much you give.
If you volunteer with us, including as a volunteer fundraiser, we may collect extra information about you (eg references, criminal records checks, details of emergency contacts, medical conditions etc). This information will be retained for legal or contractual reasons, to protect us and for safeguarding purposes.
How we use your personal data
We will only use your personal data on relevant lawful grounds as permitted by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (from 25 May 2018), the UK Data Protection Act and Privacy of Electronic Communication Regulation.
Personal data provided to us will be used for the purpose or purposes outlined in any fair processing notice in a transparent manner at the time of collection or registration where appropriate, in accordance with any preferences you express. If asked by the police, or any other regulatory or government authority investigating suspected illegal activities, we may need to provide your personal data.
Your personal data may be collected and used to help us deliver our charitable activities, and to help us raise funds.
Our fundraising and marketing communications
Your privacy is important to us, so we will always keep your details secure. Your support matters, so we’d like to keep in touch with news from the charity. If you choose to keep in touch then we may send you news on recently funded projects, fundraising events, charity appeals, volunteering or membership opportunities.
We will only send you these things if you agree to receive them and we will never share your information with companies outside the Cheltenham and Gloucester Hospitals Charity.
However, if you tell us you don’t want to receive marketing or fundraising communications from us, then you may not hear about events or receive information on recently funded projects that might be of interest to you.
You can choose how you would like us to get in touch with you, for example by post, email or telephone.
Where we have your permission, we may invite you to support our vital work my making a donation, getting involved in fundraising activities, leaving a gift in your will or signing up for our lottery. Occasionally we may invite some supporters to attend special events to find out more about the ways in which donations and gifts in wills can make a difference to specific appeals and to our cause. We will also send you updates on the impact that you make by supporting us in this way, unless you tell us not to.
If you make a donation, we will use any personal information you give us to record the nature and amount of your gift, claim gift aid where you have told us you are eligible and thank you for your gift. If you interact or have a conversation with us, we will note anything relevant and store this securely on our systems.
If you tell us you want to fundraise to support our cause, we will use the personal information you give us to record your plans and contact you to support your fundraising efforts.
If you’ve told us that you’re planning to, or thinking about, leaving us a gift in your will, we’ll use the information you give us to keep a record of this – including the purpose of your gift, if you let us know this.
If we have a conversation or interaction with you (or with someone who contacts us in relation to your will, for example your solicitor), we’ll note these interactions throughout your relationship with us, as this helps to ensure your gift is directed as you wanted.
Charity Commission rules require us to be assured of the provenance of funds and any conditions attached to them. We follow a due diligence process which involves researching the financial soundness, credibility, reputation and ethical principles of donors who’ve made, or are likely to make, a significant donation to the Cheltenham and Gloucester Hospitals Charity.
As part of this process we’ll sometimes carry out research using publicly available information and professional resources. If this applies to you, we’ll remind you about the process when you make your donation. If you are a current or prospective major donor, we will send you a link to the charity’s privacy notice, and will supply on request further details on how we look after your data.
If you’ve agreed that we can contact you for marketing purposes, we may also gather additional information about you from external sources, for example: updates to address and contact information, or publicly available information regarding your wealth, earnings and employment at an aggregate level. We may use this information to assess your capacity to support us and invite you to do so.
Updating your data and marketing preferences
We want you to remain in control of your personal data. If, at any time, you want to update or amend your personal data or marketing preferences please contact us in one of the following ways:
By phone:
By email:
In writing: Cheltenham and Gloucester Hospitals Charity
- Charity office,
Cheltenham General Hospital,
GL53 7AN
Building profiles of supporters
Our life-transforming work is only made possible thanks to the kindness of our supporters, and we aim to do this as effectively as possible by targeting our resources, understanding the background of the people who support us and making appropriate requests to donors who may be able and willing to give more than they currently do. By developing our understanding of supporters through research and using publicly available sources, we are able to tailor our communications and events. This allows us to be more efficient and cost-effective with our resources and enables us to raise more funds more cost-effectively than we otherwise would.
Philanthropy and prospecting
We research and profile potential or existing high-value donors in order to engage with suitable high-value donors. This helps us identify people who have an interest in our cause and could potentially make a substantial donation.
We process personal information on existing and potential high-value donors to help us support more people with cancer. We can achieve this aim by increasing the number of people we engage with who have the capacity to give £5,000 or more to us in a single donation.
Researching potential high-value donors enables us to focus our fundraising resources whilst ensuring that our requests for support are tailored to each individual. Our personalised approach helps us to provide the best possible donor experience that is aligned with an individual's interests and capacity to give.
If you would prefer us not to profile you as explained below, please contact our Director Richard Hastilow-Smith, either by email or addressed to Richard Hastilow-Smith, Cheltenham and Gloucester Hospitals Charity, Cheltenham General Hospital, Cheltenham GL53 7AN
We identify potential high-value donors by:
- Carrying out research on donors who have given £1,000 or more to us.
- Asking our existing high-value donors to give again.
- Inviting potential high-value donors to attend our supporter events as a way of engaging them with us. We also identify potential new donors by researching event attendees who were previously unknown to us.
- Researching people who have not given to us in the past but who we believe may have a connection to our cause and have the capacity to give at a high level.
- Asking our donors and influencers to open up their networks to us.
- Asking our donors and influencers to introduce us to potential donors we have identified through our research and that they have a link to.
Our initial research is undocumented and involves some basic checks looking at publicly available information, e.g. using Google, a public LinkedIn profile and Zoopla.
We do not process cancer (or other special category) data at this stage unless the individual in question has manifestly put it in the public domain (e.g. have themselves given interviews to media outlets or published articles/ public blog posts revealing this information). Fundraising teams do not have access to any information given to a Macmillan healthcare professional about a cancer experience, and we never use this information in any research into potential high-value donors.
Creating Research Profiles
If our initial research is promising, or if someone has donated £5,000 or more to us, we will create a research profile of the individual using information sources such as BoardEx, Companies House, Who's Who, The Charity Commission, JustGiving and Twitter.
We also use these information sources to identify potential new donors who have previously given at a high level and may have an interest in our cause (e.g. we would search for someone who would be a good fit at a 'Women of Influence’ event being hosted in the Midlands). If we discover that someone in our network knows a potential donor that we have identified, we might ask them to facilitate an introduction.
We sometimes ask existing supporters whether they would be prepared to open their networks up to us. An existing supporter may tell us about an individual previously unknown to us and facilitate an introduction. In this scenario, we would advise our existing supporters about our data responsibilities and ask them to ensure that the individual in question is happy for an introduction to take place. Following the introduction, we would direct the individual to this privacy policy and ask them to confirm how they would like to hear from us.
After we've created a research profile, we score potential donors under each of the following headings:
- Ability
- Interest
- Linkage
These scores are an estimation of an individual's capacity to give to us, their interest in giving to us and any links they have to our cause. This helps us to prioritise our resources and develop more relevant funding proposals as we seek to generate support for Cheltenham General and Gloucester Royal Hospital and the care they provided.
What information do we collect, and how do we use it?
After taking a supporter’s preferences for communication into account, we may use publicly available information to research their potential to be a significant donor to Cheltenham and Gloucester Hospitals Charity and collect additional details relating to philanthropic activity or employment. We may also estimate their potential to give a significant donation, based on publicly available information including their history of charitable giving, how connected they are to our work and their assets.
We use both existing data from our own database and publicly available information sources which might include: Press and media publications, Companies House, the charity commission, public social media accounts, organisation websites and the electoral register. This enables us to develop our understanding of someone’s potential interest and support of our work. All of these sources are publicly available where someone might expect their information to be used by the public. We only use publicly available and reputable sources and avoid any data which we believe has not been lawfully or ethically obtained.
What is the legal basis for Cheltenham and Gloucester hospitals Charity to process information about you?
In some cases, we will only use your personal information where we have your consent or because we need to use it in order to process donations or transactions.
However, there are other lawful reasons that allow us to process your personal information and one of those is called ‘legitimate interest’. This means that the reason that we are processing information is because there is a legitimate interest for us to process your information to help us to achieve charitable objectives.
Whenever we process your Personal Information under the ‘legitimate interest’ lawful basis we make sure that we take into account your rights and interests and will not process your personal information if we feel that there is an imbalance.
Some examples of where we have a legitimate interest to process your Personal information are where we contact you about our work via post, use your personal information for data analytics, conducting research to better understand who our supporters are, improving our services, for our legal purposes (for example, dealing with complaints and claims), or for complying with guidance from the Charity Commission.
Cheltenham and Gloucester Hospitals Charity is committed to giving you a choice of how your data is used, and at any time you are welcome to opt out from this activity.
To find out more, please contact 0300 422 3231 or email
Making hospital life better