Our TRiM Wellbeing Project - Helping to support our incredible NHS staff

The TRiM management model helps by providing a peer support system to colleagues who have experienced a traumatic or distressing event. The project provides both training sessions for staff and a dedicated co-ordinator within the Trust.
Emily Bestwick, our charitably funded TRIM co-ordinator, and has already seen the difference the model is making across the hospitals. “Our NHS staff are incredibly dedicated to their patients, and often have to deal with medical emergencies or challenging situations which are difficult for them to process. With COVID-19 our staff have faced difficulties like never before and as we move forward our staff remain very busy.”

“Our TRiM project aims to make it as simple as possible for staff to talk to someone when they need to. We’ve successfully trained 51 TRIM practitioners across the Trust, reaching across every area of our work. After any distressing incident, our TRIM practitioners are there to give personal support; they will talk with staff involved, listen to how they have been impacted and support and give advice in any way they can, signposting them to further support such as our charity funded clinical psychologist when needed.”
“Importantly, they will then follow up one month later because whilst someone may seem to be dealing OK with events, it can be at this point that we pick up that they since have had problems, for example they might find themselves regularly feeling upset about the incident, or having trouble sleeping. If this is the case, we’ll make sure they have support in place.”
“We have had so much interest for the project, and the enthusiasm for staff to be involved and receive training has been incredible. This really will make a lasting difference for our staff, and in turn will help them to help our patients”
We are very grateful to everyone who has helped to make this incredible project possible and future support from NHS Charities Together will enable the project to continue.
Making hospital life better