Mental Illness: vulnerable patients
Some of our patients have mental illnesses in addition to their physical problems. Some patients will present to our hospitals with a first episode of mental illness.
Risk assessment
- Does your patient need an environmental assessment?
- Has your patient got the capacity to consent to their care and treatment in the hospital? Complete a Mental Capacity Assessment in EPR.
- Have you completed the Safeguarding Assessments in EPR?
- Complete Emergency Mental Health Assessment and follow associated guidance
Refer to Mental Health Liaison Team (MHLT) ext. 5490 or bleep 2517 (MHLT will require NHS number, DOB, the reason for admission to hospital, completed Emergency Mental Health assessment, and current medical plan).
Ask Mental Health to confirm current prescriptions and make arrangements for administration of any depot injections which are due during acute admission.
Expect MHLT to advise on the need, or not, for sectioning under Mental Health Act.
If there are children in the household, consider how they are impacted by the adult’s mental illness and complete: MARF (Multi-Agency Request Form) - children's social services referrals via LiquidLogic and Paediatric Health Visitor Liaison Referral Form.
Consider the use of Enhanced Care.
If your patient lacks capacity, they will require a DoLS application to be completed.
Trust missing patient policy A0142
Enhanced care training is available via your line manager.
MCA training is part of Safeguarding Adults training.
Mental health awareness via ESR.
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Look after yourself
Looking after patients with additional vulnerabilities is challenging. Please do not hesitate to contact the Staff 2020 Hub for your own wellbeing support.