Mr Ben Clarke
Date of registration
5 Aug 2009
Primary medical qualifications
MBBS, BSc, MSc, FRCOphth
Vitreoretinal Consultant
Area of expertise
- Macular hole and epiretinal membrane surgery.
- Retinal detachment repair.
- Diabetic retinopathy and retinal laser.
- Complex cataract surgery and lens exchange.
- Marfans and aphakic lens surgery.
- Endophthalmitis management.
- Ocular trauma management.
- Subretinal gene therapies.
Inpatient Services:
- Ophthalmic surgery performed at Cheltenham General Hospital
- Inpatient care at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital
Outpatient Clinics:
- Vitreoretinal clinic Cheltenham
- Vitreoretinal clinic Gloucester
- Vitreoretinal clinic Stroud