Dr Preetham Boddana

Date of registration
4 Aug 1999
Primary medical qualifications
MBA, FCMI (Distinction), CMgr, PGCME, FRCP, MBBS
Consultant Nephrologist
Area of expertise
- Skilled in all aspects of general nephrology, dialysis care and renal transplant management. Experienced general physician with specialist training in London teaching hospitals - Guys Hospital, St. Thomas Hospital , Lane Fox Respiratory Unit and Southmead Hospital, Bristol. Established GIM and acute consultant physician in GHNSHFT since 2009 to date.
Inpatient services:
Gloucestershire Royal Hospital
- Management of adult patients presenting with Acute Kidney Injury, Accelerated to resistant Hypertension, ANCA Vasculitis , Electrolyte disturbances, Glomerulonephritis, Lupus Nephritis, Renal Stone prevention, Renal Transplantation issues and complications , Haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients
- Management of adult patients with acute and general medical presentations on 7th floor, GHNHSFT
Outpatient clinics:
Gloucestershire Royal Hospital
- Monday 2-5 pm : Renal Low Clearance and Renal Transplant Clinic
- Thursday 2-5 pm: General Nephrology OP clinic
- Joint Renal Stone Clinic : Every 5th Tuesday in a calendar year from 9am -12 pm (4-5 clinics per year)
Medical Education:
- Director of Medical Education, GHNHSFT: Oct 2022-to date
- RCP PACES International Examiner
- RCP College Tutor, GHNHSFT (2016-2021)
- Senior lecturer for junior medicine and surgery, University of Bristol ( 2012-2016)
Healthcare management and Quality Improvement:
- KQUIP: SW regional lead for Kidney quality and improvement partnership (2017-2020)
- NICE appraiser for Voclosporin use in SLE
- Completed CQUIN in AKI and Home Dialysis successfully leading to publications and presentations in regional and national QI meetings
- Principal Investigator for NIHR trials - Prepare for Kidney Care, RaDaR Renal Registry, ATTOM study, PASS Tolvaptan Study