We see our patients with suspected lung cancer within two weeks of referral from a GP.

Lung Cancer Nursing Team

The lung cancer nurses offer a hospital-based service to patients who are suspected of having or have been diagnosed with lung cancer.


Becky Preston, Heather Youd, Fiona Tomkins, Fiona Young, Katie Roberts, Julie Slight

We offer support and information for patients and those close to them about the investigations that may have to be undertaken. Most investigations can be done on an outpatient basis returning to clinic for the diagnosis. Some patients who know they have a suspected lung cancer prefer to have the diagnosis by telephone.

We continue to be contactable through investigations, diagnosis, through treatment to recovery or supported with symptom management and arranging input from community services.

We work closely with the respiratory, oncology and palliative care teams within the hospital and have close ties with the community services. We are supported by an MDT coordinators and two specialist support workers.

If you leave a message or send an email to us, please let us know your hospital MRN number, date of birth or National Health number, it helps us find your details on the system.

Email: ghn-tr.lungcancernurses@nhs.net

Telephone numbers:

Gloucestershire Royal Hospital: 0300 422 5967

Cheltenham General Hospital: 0300 422 2379

Gloucestershire Patient Support

Support our cancer services

Focus is the charitable fund for the Gloucestershire Oncology Centre, raising funds which directly provide extra care, specialist equipment and improvements to facilities for local cancer patients.