The paediatric dietetic team have developed videos which offer dietary advice if you have a child with dietary needs.


The paediatric dietetic team has put together a list of useful links and resources for you to have a look at whilst you wait for your appointment.

Cow's milk allergy

This information is for infants who have been diagnosed with a non IgE mediated allergy and have been referred to the cow’s milk protein weaning group.

Cow's milk allergy: information for babies and children

Cow's milk allergy: how to wean your baby

Re-introducing cow's milk

If your child has been diagnosed with a cow's milk allergy, you may have been advised by a healthcare professional to trial a re-introduction.

Cow’s milk protein allergy: re-introducing milk

Selective eaters

Food refusal or selective eating is not uncommon in infants and children, but prolonged periods can be worrying. If you have already been referred to a paediatric dietitian or are waiting for an initial appointment, these resources can help offer information and reassurance.

Why toddlers refuse food

Fussy eating

Extreme food refusal

Supporting the selective eater

Food fortification

If your child is not growing or gaining weight, food fortification is used to boost the nutrition and energy in meals and drinks without increasing the volume that needs to be eaten.

We have lots of tips which can fortify the foods your child already enjoys and some ideas for nutritious drinks or snacks.

This advice can be safely followed at home. However, if weight gain remains a problem, your child should be assessed by a paediatric dietitian to explore other ways to help.

Food Fortification

Carbohydrate counting (type 1 diabetes)

Carbohydrates are found in many foods, and this video will help you identify where we find them and the skills and resources we use to count how much carbohydrate the food contains so you can give the correct amount of insulin.

Your guide to carbohydrate counting and eating well with diabetes

Carbohydrate counting for children with diabetes

Eating well and exercise with diabetes

There is no special or different diet for diabetes. We promote a healthy, regular diet which is based on the eat well plate.

A healthy lifestyle is important for good diabetes control and exercise plays a big part in this. If you don't feel confident managing your child's food or exercise with diabetes, contact our dietitians.

Eating well and exercise with diabetes

You can find more information and resources about looking after a child with diabetes on the Diabetes UK website.