Maxillofacial Prosthetics

Nick Connolly

Principles Maxillofacial Prosthetist



Also see Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery on our public site.

This department has experienced and highly skilled Maxillofacial Prosthetists who treat patients who have an acquired facial visible difference. This can be loss of an eye, nose, ear, or noticeable skin loss. This team aims to help reduce the impact of these facial differences, providing a custom-made prosthesis to help with rehabilitation and their quality of life.

What is a prosthesis?

A prosthesis is an artificial replacement for a missing part of the body, to copy or mimic the part, with aesthetics being the main focus. Many situations can lead to the need for a prosthesis such as accidents (trauma), cancers, infections, or individuals born without the part (congenital). While a prosthesis will mimic the lost tissues and blend into the remaining surrounding tissues it should be noted that it will not replace any lost function and is worn on a basis of need and removed when not required. A prosthesis can be held on with a single or combination approach using; medical adhesives, physical retention, assisted by glasses, and osseointegrated implants.

Our focus is on facial prosthetics, meaning the ears, nose, cheeks and lips and the area including the eye and eyelids. If the eye and the eyelids have been removed this is usually called an ‘orbital prosthesis’. If the eyeball has been removed and the eyelids are still in place the prosthesis to replace the eyeball is called an ocular or ‘indwelling’ eye prosthesis. We can also provide body prosthesis (sometimes called ‘Somato prosthesis’) which include everything else apart from the face, including fingers, toes, and missing volumes of skin on the legs or arms.

Our prosthetics are made from many materials depending on where they are needed. We use silicone for the softer areas and acrylic (plastic) when a harder material is needed. All of our work is custom-made for each patient and is designed, sculpted and colour matched to give a lifelike and pleasing result.

What services we provide

Currently, we provide the following services but are always willing to look at patient needs and discuss possible solutions we may be able to provide.

  • Ear Prosthesis (partial, full or bilateral ear)
  • Nasal Prosthesis (partial and Full)
  • Orbital Prosthesis
  • Indwelling eye prosthesis
  • Body Prosthesis

Who we are

Nick Connolly

I have been working in the field of Maxillofacial prosthetics since 2004 when I first experienced the provision of indwelling eye prosthetics at King’s College Hospital in London. My love of art and technology meant that I immediately wanted to pursue the field of Maxillofacial Prosthetics and was fortunate to undertake my training at Manchester Metropolitan University and gain a Distinction grade for the Professional Development Certificate. I worked in Kings from 2005 to 2011 and then made my move to greener pastures, joining this Trust, where I have practiced since.

Katy Spicer

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