

The information given here is intended for use by healthcare professionals. Please see Lab Tests Online-UK for more general advice, links and background.

Erythema migrans is a clinical diagnosis and does not require confirmation by laboratory testing, antibiotic treatment should be prescribed on clinical suspicion.

This test is of limited value until 4 weeks after exposure and may take up to 12 weeks for detectable antibody to develop. About 30% of tests are positive by two weeks and about 80% by six weeks.

Sample requirements

In symptomatic patients, a second sample may be required 8-12 weeks after onset of symptoms following an initial negative test result.
8.5ml of blood taken into a plain gel tube

Gold top with cap

Suspected neuroborreliosis require paired CSF and clotted blood samples taken at the same time.

Required information

  • Relevant clinical details
  • Any history of previous Lyme testing and the results
  • Date of onset of symptoms
  • Travel history
  • History and date of tick bite
  • Occupational or leisure exposure
  • Any early antibiotic treatments for Lyme disease


Store at fridge temperature
Transport as soon as possible at ambient temperature

Turnaround time

5 days
Positive results are referred to the National Reference Centre so may take longer