

  • The information given here is intended for use by healthcare professionals. Please see Lab Tests Online-UK for more general advice, links and background.
  • For the investigation of superficial bacterial eye infections
  • The laboratory will routinely test for the presence of organisms causing ophthalmia neonatorum in neonates
  • The laboratory will routinely test for the presence of Actinomyces in cases of canaliculitis
  • For neonates investigation for Chlamydia infection is recommended
  • See also:

Sample requirements

Standard charcoal transport swab

Black top charcoal swab

Evert lid and swab conjunctiva, removing any pus

Place swab into transport medium

Required information

  • Conjunctivitis or other localised eye infection
  • Presence of foreign body
  • Recent surgery
  • Canaliculitis
  • Recent, current and intended antibiotics


Store and transport at room temperature. Samples should be transported to the laboratory with minimal delay.

Turnaround time

2 - 4 days