Chemical Pathology


  • Flecainide is a Class 1C potent anti-arrhythmic drug which is used in the treatment of serious supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias. This drug acts by blocking fast sodium channels.
  • Flecainide is only used occasionally, and only in the hospital setting. Patients need to be carefully selected avoiding contraindications. In particular flecainide should be avoided if any history of MI, heart failure or structural heart disease.
  • For patients on flecainide, therapeutic monitoring can be helpful especially in patients with liver or kidney disease as elimination of the drug may be impaired.

Sample requirements

  • Pre-dose sample required.

For adults, 5 ml of blood taken into a 5mL gold top tube (rust top for the Acute Unit)

5ml gold tube

For children, 1 ml of blood taken into a 1mL red top serum tube

1ml serum tube


Send to the laboratory on the day of collection at ambient temperature.

Required information

Relevant clinical details including date and time of last dose and date and time blood sample collected.

Turnaround times

Samples are sent for analysis to a referral laboratory, with results expected back within 1 week.

Therapeutic range

Appropriate therapeutic ranges are supplied by the reporting laboratory.

Further information

Please refer to the BNF for further information on this medication

Page last updated 07/02/2019