Department of Haematology


Sample Requirements

2ml or 4ml EDTA sample, paediatric 1mL EDTA sample

EDTA with cap

Turnaround Times

Quantitation: 1-2 weeks

Reference Range

Range Units
G6PD Quantitation 4.6 - 13.5 U / g Hb

Time limit for add ons

5 days (if sample has been refrigerated)

Minimum retesting interval

Tests should not normally be repeated. If the original sample has been taken during active haemolysis suggest repeating after resolution of haemolytic episode.

Interfering substances

High WBC and high platelet counts can interfere with the method and cause higher than normal levels of G6PD. Reticulocytes have higher than normal G6PD so a false normal result may be obtained from individuals with a reticulocytosis. Please send a sample for repeat testing after resolution of a reticulocytosis."