Department of Haematology


  • Haemoglobin S Solubility may be performed in urgent situations (eg. pre anaesthetic) out of hours or if time does not permit full Haemoglobin HPLC.
  • All solubility results are confirmed by Haemoglobin HPLC at the first available opportunity.
  • HbS solubility studies are not suitable for use on cord samples or patients under 6 months old.
  • False negative results may occur when using post transfusion samples. Please send pre transfusion samples wherever possible.
  • Results unreliable in the presence of high Hb F levels.
  • In the presence of high levels of protein e.g. myeloma and HIV, unreliable results are obtained.
  • False negative results may occur in cases of severe anaemia.
  • If an urgent solubility is required, please clearly mark the request form as urgent.
  • Sickle solubility performed at GRH. Confirmatory HPLC performed at GRH.
  • Sickle solubility can be added onto an EDTA sample for up to 7 days.

Sample Requirements

1ml, 2ml or 4ml EDTA sample


Turnaround Time

Urgent: 2 hours

Routine: 1 week

Add on requests will be accepted although, if request is >3 days post collection, the sample may have been discarded. Please discuss with laboratory.

Reference Ranges

N/A. Results reported as positive or negative for the presence of HbS. Quantitation by HPLC will follow