Chemical Pathology


  • Toxicology screens are performed in a referral laboratory.
  • Local assays are available for salicylate, paracetamol, lithium, digoxin, theophylline, phenytoin, carbamazepine, alcohol, gentamicin, tobramycin and vancomycin. Carboxyhaemoglobin analysis is available on the blood gas analysers. Please refer to individual web pages for more information on these tests.
  • Illicit drug screening is available for medical reasons only.
  • In all overdose situations clinicians should first access TOXBASE or contact the NPIS clinician who will indicate if analysis is required.
  • For ethylene glycol/methanol or paraquat overdose please refer to individual web pages.
  • For any other toxicology analysis required (including any metals not accessible via the Pathology webpage search engine) please contact the duty biochemist to discuss.
  • Samples will otherwise be stored frozen for approximately 2 months unless discussed with the duty biochemist.

Sample requirements

Toxicology screening requires a minimum of 5mL urine collected into a 30mL white top Universal

30ml universal container

For adults also send 6mL lithium heparin tube

6ml lithium heparin tube

or for children a 2mL lithium heparin tube) in case actual measurement of drug levels is subsequently required.

2ml lithium heparin BD paediatric tube

  • Other sample types may be necessary depending on the drug involved (please check with the duty biochemist).
  • Note that drug screening cannot be performed on blood samples.


Send at ambient temperature to the laboratory. If unavoidable, samples can be stored refrigerated overnight.

Required information

Relevant clinical details including reason for the request and drugs of interest.

Turnaround times

This will depend on clinical requirements. Urgent analysis can be offered in some situations e.g. if advised by NPIS clinician, but this must be arranged on an individual basis with the duty biochemist.

Reference ranges

Qualitative reports provided with indication of drugs tested for and whether detected or not.

Further information

To learn more about toxicology visit Lab Tests Online

National Poisons Information Service (NPIS) NHS clinical database TOXBASE

Page last updated 20/01/2016