Leptospira antibodies (weils)
- The test detects Leptospiral IgM antibodies
- A rise in antibody titres may take up to 2 weeks following acute infection
- Urine testing for Leptospirosis is no longer available
- Acute Leptospirosis (within the first three days) can be diagnosed by nucleic acid detection assays (e.g. PCR) on an EDTA blood sample. Please discuss with the laboratory.
Sample requirements

Serum - paired samples normally required
8.5ml of blood taken into a plain gel tube
Required information
- Relevant clinical details
- Date of onset
- Date of possible exposure
- Exposure history - occupation, leisure activities
Store at fridge temperature
Transport as soon as possible at ambient temperature
Turnaround time
Sent to a National Reference Centre
10 - 14 days