Measles, Mumps and Rubella oral fluid (saliva) test – for diagnosing suspected measles, mumps or rubella infection

Suspected measles, mumps and rubella cases can be confirmed using an oral fluid test kit
- The information given here is intended for use by healthcare professionals. Please see Lab Tests Online-UK for more general advice, links and background.
- Ideally the sample should be taken as soon as possible after the onset of the first symptoms, although is still acceptable at up to 8 weeks
- Kits are available from the UKHSA Health Protection Team ( 0300 303 8162) on notification of suspected cases of measles, mumps or rubella
- Tests are posted directly to the Virology Reference Department, UKHSA Public Health Laboratory in London
Results are posted back to the patient’s GP and a copy is sent to the local UKHSA Health Protection Team; the laboratory does not receive or report these results
- Search Pathology Tests and Investigations for alternative investigations for each virus including tests for diagnosis of current or recent infection, and immunity tests
- Measles, mumps and rubella are notifiable diseases. Click for Notifiable Diseases notification form
Sample requirements
Swab test pack
Patients should be sampled as soon after onset of illness as possible
Full instructions are included with the sampling kit or read the instructions on GOV.UK (pdf)
A request form for the oral fluid kit will be included within the kit.
Required information
- Relevant clinical details
- Date of onset
- Details of exposure to other suspected cases
IUsing the pre-paid and labelled plastic bag supplied with the kit, post immediately to:
MMR oral fluid scheme
Virology Reference Department
Centre for Infections
61 Colindale Avenue
NW9 5EQ.
Turnaround time
Sent to the National Reference Centre
Up to 3 weeks
Please note that the results of these investigations will not be reported by the GHNHSFT Microbiology Department as the GHNHSFT Microbiology Laboratory are not sent the results by the testing Reference Laboratory.