Mumps PCR
- For suspected cases in hospital inpatients please inform the Infection Control team as soon as possible and ensure that the patient is isolated until the diagnosis is clarified
- Suspected cases can be confirmed by a MMR oral fluid test; kits are available from the Health Protection Team on 0300 303 8162
- Mumps PCR is an alternative diagnostic method performed on viral throat swabs. This is the preferred test for hospital inpatients.
- Another alternative is Mumps serum antibody testing
- For mumps immunity, see Mumps antibodies - immunity
- Mumps is a notifiable disease. Click for notification form.

Sample requirements
Check swab expiry date before use
(Date is in YYMMDD format)
Viral swab of throat
Required information
- Relevant clinical details
- Date of onset
- Details of exposure to other suspected cases
- Vaccination history
- For hospital inpatients date of admission and time of isolation
Store at room temperature
Transport as soon as possible at ambient temperature
Turnaround time
Sent to the National Reference Centre
Up to 3 weeks