Pernasal swab for whooping cough (Bordetella Pertussis)
Requesting and what to tell us:
- ICE Microbiology: Pernasal swab c&s
- Sunrise (SCM): Bordetella pertussis PCR or Pernasal swab – whooping cough
Specify sample site, clinical details date of onset and any recent antibiotic treatment.
- If symptomatic for less than 3 weeks then the sample is suitable for culture and can be referred for PCR testing too. If cough has persisted for greater than 3 weeks culture/PCR is unlikely to be helpful, please send a clotted blood for pertussis serology.

From Pertussis brief for healthcare professionals October 2013 Revised May 2018 © Crown copyright 2018. View source.
- A pernasal swab with a thin flexible wire shaft must be used for culture. These can be ordered from Pathology Stores. Culture sensitivity declines after the first two weeks of illness.
- A nasopharyngeal in viral transport medium is suitable for PCR testing alone and is useful in community settings.
- Pertussis (Whooping cough) is a notifiable disease. Click for notification form.
- Also consider testing for other respiratory pathogens as appropriate.
See also
Sample requirements
Pernasal charcoal transport swab

Collection method

- Seat the patient, looking upwards with the neck fully extended
- Insert the pernasal swab through a nostril and advance along the floor of the nose until it reaches the nasopharynx.
- It has been suggested that the swab be held against the posterior nasopharynx for up to 30 seconds or until the patient coughs. In practice, it is more likely that a patient will only be able to tolerate this for a few seconds.
- Remove the swab and plunge into transport tube
Required information
- Relevant clinical details
- Date of onset
- Recent, current and intended antibiotics
Storage and transport
- Store and transport at room temperature.
- Transport to laboratory without delay.
- Culture up to 7 days
- PCR 1-2 days
The information given here is intended for use by healthcare professionals. Please see Lab Tests Online-UK for more general advice, links and background.