Chemical Pathology


Urine metadrenalines are the appropriate test in most patients being investigated for possible phaeochromocytoma.

However, in some renal patients (CKD 4 or 5), plasma metadrenalines may be more appropriate since plasma concentrations of free metadrenalines are relatively independent of renal function.

All requests for plasma metadrenalines should be discussed with the duty biochemist before proceeding.

Sample requirements/Required Information

  • Please contact the duty biochemist beforehand to arrange the test. Samples are unlikely to be processed if the request has not been discussed prior to sample collection. This is due to the sampling conditions required.
  • There are very specific and essential patient preparation conditions that must be adhered to to allow correct interpretation of results that the duty biochemist will be able to discuss.
  • Relevant clinical details including reason for the request, current medication, patient preparation status and any relevant family history should be provided once the request has been agreed.

Turnaround times

Samples are sent to a referral laboratory for analysis, with results expected back within 3 weeks.

Reference ranges

Appropriate reference ranges will be provided on any patient reports.

Further information

To learn more about plasma metadrenalines visit Lab Tests Online

Page last updated: 22/08/2019