Blood Transfusion


  • Requires Consultant Haematologist approval
  • This test consists of a HLA type and HLA antibody screen
  • Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics Diagnostic Laboratory Form 3A required to request this test (form available from Transfusion laboratory or available using the link below)
  • The following factors are known to significantly affect the performance of the examination or the interpretation of the results: lipaemia, sample clotted (if EDTA), haemolysed. Any sample displaying these factors cannot be processed and will be rejected
  • If Human Platelet Antibody (HPA) and HPA Antigen typing is required, refer to Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics Diagnostic Laboratory Form 3D. Also, please refer to the HPA Antigen Typing and HPA Antibody Screen test pages for further information

H&I Request Form (3A) - Platelet Refractoriness / Transfusion Reactions

Sample Requirements

6ml EDTA tube

Gold top with cap

Required Information

NHSBT states that following points of identification MUST be on request form and sample tubes:

  1. Forename
  2. Surname
  3. Date of birth
  4. NHS number

The sample tube(s) must be signed and dated by the person taking the blood.

The H&I Laboratory may decline to test inadequately labelled samples

For further information on specimen labelling refer to the H&I 3A Platelet Refractoriness request form

Turnaround times

7 working days


Author: Stuart Lord, Transfusion Practitioner

Reviewed date: 14/03/2023

Next review date: 14/03/2025