Chemical Pathology


Renal calculi and stones from other sources (e.g. gallstones, salivary stones) can be analysed by quantitative Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) spectroscopy.

Sample requirements

Stones should be sent in a 60mL plain pot or a 30mL Universal.

60ml wide-mouthed container

30ml universal container


Send at ambient temperature to the laboratory. Stones can be stored refrigerated overnight if necessary.

Required information

Relevant clinical details including origin of stone.

Turnaround times

Stones are sent for analysis to Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital London, with results expected back within 3 weeks.

Reference ranges

Results are reported as weight of stone, description and % composition.

Further information

To learn more about renal stones visit Lab Tests Online

Page last updated: 22/02/2024