Department of Immunology


  • Diagnosis of autoimmune thyroid disease.
  • Serial measurements are not helpful.

Sample Requirements


5ml Gold-top SST tube or 3.5ml Rust-top gel tube (Trust users only)

5ml gold tube


1ml Serum Sample

1ml serum tube

Turnaround Times

1 week

Measuring Range

The measuring range (detection limit, upper limit) for EliA anti-TPO is from 4 to 1542 IU/ml. No hook effects could be observed for concentrations up to 7 fold above the measuring ranges.

Only values above the Detection Limits can be regarded as valid results. Results above the upper limit are reported as >1542.

Please note due to differing binding characterisitics of the antibodies in patient samples, not all sera can be diluted linearly within measurable range.

Reference Ranges

Range (IU/ml) Interpretation
<25 Negative
25-35 Doubtful clinical significance
>35 Clear positive

Time Limit for Add-ons

2 weeks (whilst stored at 2°C - 8 °C)