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The COVID-19 situation in the UK is changing over time and we therefore recommend that you follow the up-to-date advice being provided by Public Health England and the Government. There is also very useful information specifically for rheumatology patients provided by Versus Arthritis.


We recommend the COVID-19 vaccine for all our patients – there are no rheumatological conditions or medications that prevent you from having the vaccines. As the vaccines are not ‘live’ it is safe for you to have them when on medication from rheumatology. We advise that you have the vaccine as soon as you are offered it by your GP or a vaccination centre. Vaccines are not available through the rheumatology department.

We recommend that you have a COVID-19 vaccination at least 4 weeks before your rituximab infusion. Ideally, the vaccine should not be administered in the 6 months after an infusion as there are some data to suggest that vaccination is less effective in the 6 months after receiving rituximab infusions. If you decide to have the vaccine within 6 months of a rituximab infusion It is still safe to have the vaccine, but it may give less protection against Covid-19.

If you do not receive an invite for a COVID vaccine and are entitled to have one, you can book a vaccination appointment using the link below:

Book, change, or cancel a COVID-19 vaccination appointment online - NHS

What to do if you test positive for COVID-19

If you test positive for COVID-19 and are taking the following medication for a rheumatology condition we recommend that you stop taking it, and restart once your symptoms have cleared. If you are taking steroids (prednisolone) DO NOT stop taking them.

Rheumatology medications that need to be stopped if you have an infection, as they suppress your immune system:

(Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs)
Biologics JAK-inhibitors
Azathioprine Abatacept Baricitinib
Ciclosporin Adalimumab Filgotinib
Cyclophosphamide Anakinra Tofacitinib
Leflunomide Apremilast Upadacitinib
Methotrexate Belimumab
Mycophenolate Bimzekizumab
Sulfasalazine Certolizumab pegol
Tacrolimus Etanercept

Please note that some of these treatments have multiple brand names

Please also check the latest NHS advice about COVID-19.

COVID-19 advice and services - NHS

Treatments for COVID-19

The NHS offers treatment for people with COVID-19 who are at the highest risk of becoming seriously ill.

Patients should self-refer to the COVID Medicines service, ideally after checking that they are eligible. Patients should be given the number for GDOC (01452 336291) and asked to call ASAP. The phone line will be open 10.00am-4.00pm, 7 days a week.

Treatments for COVID-19 - NHS