Gloucestershire Hospitals Festival of Quality Improvement, Research and Innovation 2019
Between 10th - 12th September 2019, Gloucestershire Hospitals held their Inaugural Festival of Quality Improvement, Research & Innovation at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital and Cheltenham General Hospital.
The event attracted over 80 abstracts, and over 75 posters were displayed during the 3 day festival with daily poster presentations from staff.
The event was a fantastic way to showcase all the incredible work taking place at Gloucestershire Hospitals and received great feedback from staff. There was a huge feeling of pride from staff as they presented their work to others as well as an opportunity to share and learn about what is going on in other areas of the hospital. The posters were all displayed in public areas which allowed patients and members of the public to take part if they wished.
Linking in with our research colleagues has opened up conversations around how we better connect QI and Research with one QI project now being worked up into a research project as a result.
Voting took place during the festival for ‘Best Poster’ and winners will be announced shortly.
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Planned Care
- Identification of IBD cohorts from linked endoscopy and histology reports using natural language processing by Jonathan Brown
- Increased memory strategy use following attendance at a single-session 'memory group' intervention by Andy Champion
- Palliative Care Indicator Tool for Patients with End Stage Liver Disease by Deborah Durrant and Gabby Prideux
- The Use of Clinical Evidence in Commissioning Adult Strabismus Surgery by Catherine Billington
- Development of outpatient 'LocSSIPs' for the Oral & Maxillofacial Department - the Gloucestershire Experience by Thomas Lees
- Keeping the Home in Homeostasis - Saving bed days through an outpatient blood monitoring service with day case intravenous fluid and electrolyte replacement by Margaret Collins
- South West Team Transplant – Transplanting as many people as possible with the shortest possible waiting time by Jim Moriarty
- Perioperative management of diabetes in major surgery in Gloucestershire Royal Hospital by Jeanie Worthington
- Pilot study of neurodevelopmental diagnostic clinic model in school aged children, for whom diagnostic conclusions have been difficult to reach in Gloucestershire by Lucy Austreng
- Oral vs intravenous (IV) pulsed alfacalcidol for the treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) in haemodialysis patients; an audit of efficacy and cost by Jim Moriarty
- S.H.E.D. (Support and Help for Every Dad) by Elizabeth Tenn-Stewart
- Increased self-efficacy after brain injury group intervention by Andy Champion
- Keep Calm. Stay Warm. A Quality Improvement Initiative to prevent Surgical Site Infection (SSI) through Perioperative Temperature Management by Nur-in Mohammad
- WHO Checklist - The Writing's on the Wall by Claire Cushley
- Introducing Hypnobirthing Courses across Gloucestershire in order to reduce anxiety of and increase preparedness for birth by Annie Lester & Kate Clifford
- A multi-professional approach to improve postnatal care in the community by Dawn Morrall, Kay Davis, Rachel Pritchard
- Prescribing tolvaptan for autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease within the general nephrology clinic setting by Jim Moriarty
- The introduction of dietetic supplementary prescribing in the renal dialysis population in the management of Chronic Kidney Disease - Mineral Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD) by Liz Brice & Sally Pugh
- A Simple Solution? The challenges of accurately preparing St Mark's oral rehydration solution on the ward by Margaret Collins
- Keep Calm. Stay Warm. A Quality Improvement Initiative to prevent Surgical Site Infection (SSI) through Perioperative Temperature Management by Nur-in Mohammad
- To Reduce Length of Time to Post Discharge Therapy for Fractured Neck of Femur Patients (#NOF) by Terry Flemons
- RCPCH QI Diabetes Collaborative: Improving the Clinic Experience by Vellore Abithakujambal
- Peri-operative analgesia for Robot Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy - -Comparison of spinal plus general anaesthesia vs usual practice by Jeannine Stone
- The Royal College of Ophthalmologists’ National Ophthalmology Database study of cataract surgery: Report 6, The impact of EyeSi virtual reality training on complication rates of cataract surgery performed by 1st and 2nd year trainees by Paul Donachie
- The Royal College of Ophthalmologists’ National Ophthalmology Database Study of cataract surgery - Report 7, Immediate Sequential Bilateral Cataract Surgery in the UK: Current practice and patient selection by Paul Donachie
- Comparisons of metrics used in The Royal College of Ophthalmologists’ National Ophthalmology Database Audit, between all participating centres and Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust by Paul Donachie
- Aflibercept in the real world – a clinical audit of people with diabetic macula oedema from 21 UK hospitals by Irene Stratton
Emergency Care
- Critical Care Paediatric Grab Bag - Improving the quality of care by improving design by Dr Marcin Pachucki
- Patients' experiences of a medicines-related hospital admission and accessing medicines information: a qualitative study of hospital in-patients by Jennifer Veeran
- An appetite for improvement: reducing the incidence of bloodstream infections in patients receiving parenteral nutrition via a central venous catheter by Margaret Collins
- Level 1 Rapid Infuser Educational Video by Michael Connelly
- Ensuring all Deaf British Sign Language (BSL) users experience effective communication with the Trust by Carol McIndoe
- Setting up a Urology Emergency Skills Course by Matthew Crockett
- OPALS to FAS and Beyond by Donna Little
- Little Things Matter by Matt Little
- Falls Improvement Collaborative by Matt Little
- An open-label, randomised controlled feasibility study to evaluate whether nasal fentanyl alone and in combination with buccal midazolam give better symptom control to dying patients when compared with standard as needed medication by Dr Paul Perkins
- Management of Challenging Patients by Sarah Mather & Debbie Elliott
- What do Doctors want from Out of Hours Specialist Palliative Care? by Dr Paul Perkins
- Improving specialist care for patients with Nephrostomies by Jonathan Cobley
- Care of homeless inpatients - Are we up to standard? by Victoria Gaunt
- The Trauma Assessment and Treatment Unit - A novel concept for patient treatment in Trauma & Orthopaedics by Will Mason
Cancer Care
- Can you PACE yourself? The power of language to flatten hierarchy and empower multi-disciplinary healthcare teams in simulated critical scenarios by Louise Le Hegarat and Emily Darvill
- Improving the Breast Cancer patient pathway with the appointment of a Consultant Breast Radiographer (CBR) by Ruth Bees
- Improving the availability of ER and HER2 results for Breast Cancer (BC) at breast Multi-Disciplinary team (MDT) meetings by Siobhan Taylor
- Reducing the length of stay for an end of life patient on the oncology/haematology wards by Lindsay Vickerstaff
- Comparison of M5 and M6 versions of the MARIA® imaging system in patients attending symptomatic breast clinic at Thirlestaine Breast Centre, including a sub-study to research the dielectric constant of aspirated cyst fluid by Richard Sidebottom
- Skin toxicity following Post-Mastectomy Radiotherapy (PMRT) and its impact on Quality Of Life (QOL) by Ruth Bees
- Macmillan Specialist Psychology Survivorship Project by Rachael Edge
- Uterus and cervix motion during radiotherapy for cervix cancer by Gillian Bestwick
- Enhanced Supportive Care (ESC) by Kate Tredgett
- Clinical trials and research participation at Thirlestaine Breast Centre, Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust by Richard Sidebottom
- Service evaluation project on the use of adaptive planning target volume (PTV) margins for prostate radiotherapy by Anne McKenna
- Medicines Optimisation Pharmacy Assistants on Wards (MO ATO) by Bilal Topia & Israr Baig
- Patient Health Information Enquiry Service - the antidote to Dr Google by Lisa Riddington
- Improving the Quality of TrakCare e-learning by Allysun Gore
- Mouth Care Matters: Putting the mouth back into Body by Charlotte Malone & Sophie Finch Turner
- Reduction in blindness rates since the introduction of digital photographic screening in an English diabetic eye screening programme by Angela Dale
- GloStars: Gloucestershire Hospitals Staff transition and support network for newly qualified professionals by Charlotte Jakab-Hall & Sophie Finch Turner
- Developing and sustaining a research-positive culture in the Gloucester Renal Unit by Jim Moriarty
- Developing a positive staff culture using Restorative Clinical Supervision by Jo Daubeney
- Using TrakCare to improve access to Spiritual Care by Allysun Gore
- Impact of the JAG Basic Skills in Colonoscopy Course on Trainee Performance by Paul Dunckley
- JAG Provisional Colonoscopy Certification - Does this Sufficiently Equip Trainees with Competencies in Diagnostic Colonoscopy? by Paul Dunckley
- Haemostasis Experience on Completion of Specialist Training in Gastroenterology - Analysis of the JETS e-Portfolio by Paul Dunckley
- GHFT Finance Team - Our Journey to Outstanding ‘Count Me In!’ by Hayley Summers
- The Palliative A-E: An ABCDE approach to assessing and managing End of Life patients for Junior Doctors using simulation teaching by Michael Casey
- Transforming induction for medical students with the use of in situ simulation by Lowri Bowen
- The Wellness Scale: Evaluating the impact of an innovative tool to support medical student wellbeing on clinical placement by Lowri Bowen
- Understanding patient’s perspectives of disease; communication skills teaching through video testimonies of real patient experiences by Lowri Bowen
- Does Building a Community Promote Wellbeing within an Undergraduate Medical Education Centre? by Lowri Bowen
- An Innovative Teaching Approach for the Clinical Assessments of Wounds by Lowri Bowen
- Acts of Kindness - An intervention to support undergraduate medical student’s wellbeing during clinical placement by Lowri Bowen
- SWAG - Sustainability Week At Gloucestershire Academy: An innovative programme to raise awareness of sustainability in healthcare for medical students by Zoe Brown
- Not another ice-breaker… Developing an innovative induction programme for medical students on clinical placements by Zoe Brown
Event hashtag: #GHTFest19