by Elsa Brew-Girard, Briana Carney and Mark Williams

WINNER of the Best QI Poster

Quality Improvement Poster Download

Background & Problems

Quality Improvement project focusing on the administration of fascia-iliaca blocks (FIB) in the ED setting for patients with fractured neck of femur (#NOF).

  • #NOF is a common presentation to ED
  • 70% of #NOFs are sustained in patients over the age of 80
  • Patients are often frail and have multiple co-morbidities

The Safety Concerns

  • CQC highlighted that patients did not consistently receive prompt pain relief in ED
  • Analgesia options in #NOFs is limited
  • Side effects of morphine are more pronounced in the elderly
  • FIBs reduce morphine requirement e.g. a study conducted by Leeper et al in 2012 showed that FIBs reduced the average morphine requirement by 41%.


90% of patients with a fractured NOF to have an effective block within 1 hour of admission to ED by April 2016.


PDSA Cycles:

  • Cycle 1: Email sent out to ED doctors encouraging documentation of time of FI block
  • Cycle 2: Posters
  • Cycle 3: F2 teaching
  • Cycle 4: Liaison with radiographers
  • Cycle 5: F1 teaching


Extreme points:

  • Friday 25/09/15
    • Arrival: 22:11
    • XR: 00:46
    • FIB: 04:00
  • Thursday 15/10/15
    • Arrival: 00:35
    • XR: 03:16
    • FIB: 06:30


  • Time to block remains very variable
  • Encouraging signs of earlier analgesia
  • Documentation of time of block and efficacy post-block remains very poor

Next steps

  • Collect data for PDSA 4 and 5
  • Lasting changes:
    • ED induction for juniors
    • FIB proforma under development

Quality Improvement Presenter(s)
Elsa Brew-Girard, F2
Briana Carney, F2
Mark Williams, F2
Quality Improvement Team
Heather Clarke – ED consultant
Tom Mitchell – ED consultant
Faye Noble – ED registrar
Alex Purcell – Clinical Audit Dept
Nikki Tremeer – Clinical Audit Dept
GRH Radiographers