This page is to inform you about how some of your medicines will be supplied. The medicine(s) shown on this page will be delivered to you by a clinical homecare provider. The hospital clinical team uses a homecare provider to dispense and deliver certain medicines. At your hospital appointment your medication will be reviewed and a prescription written. You will not need to collect the medication from the pharmacy department in the hospital or get a prescription from your GP. Instead, your prescription will be sent directly to the homecare provider specified. Within a few days of receiving your prescription the homecare provider will call you to arrange a time and location for the delivery of your medication (and any other items required to use the medicine such as syringes). In addition to this page, you may be sent an information pack from the homecare provider. The pack will give you more details about the service they offer and provide you with the contact details of the homecare Patient Services department. This will enable you to contact them if you have any concerns or if you no longer wish to use this service.

Benefits of homecare

Homecare has benefits to both patients and the hospital. Homecare reduces the need for you to wait for your medicines to be dispensed at the hospital. It also reduces the number of visits to hospital for you to collect your medication. Medicines can be delivered at a time and location suitable for you.

Not only is homecare more convenient for you but it also helps us to free up appointments, meaning we can care for more people and reduce costs to the NHS.

Registering for homecare

In order to receive this service, you will need to complete a homecare registration form or have this completed by your clinician. Please make sure that your contact details are on this form so that a coordinator from the homecare provider is able to contact you to arrange your deliveries.

How do we use and share your information?

We collect information about you and your medicines because we have a legal duty to keep full records of your treatment.

When you sign up to HealthNet Homecare, we will share necessary information with HealthNet Homecare Ltd so that they can provide the service. The provider acts at all times on our behalf and subject to our instructions.

For more information about how we look after your information and your rights please see the ‘Privacy notice’ on the Gloucestershire Hospital NHS Foundation Trust website: or contact our Data Protection Officer by email at

When will the medication be delivered?

Delivery of your medication will be arranged when a coordinator from the homecare provider receives your prescription from the hospital. They will then contact you to arrange a convenient date and time - this is usually within 2 weeks. Deliveries will normally be made between 8:00am and 8:00pm, Monday to Friday.

In exceptional circumstances, emergency deliveries can be made outside of these hours.

Where will the medication be delivered?

This will be agreed when you are called by the homecare coordinator. Delivery options include:

  • Home address
  • Work address
  • An alternative location (for example, a neighbour or relative)

Will somebody need to sign for the medication?

Yes. Deliveries will only be made to you or another person you have authorised to sign for you.

What if I am running out of medication?

If you are concerned that you may be running out of medication or require an urgent delivery, please contact the Patient Services at the homecare provider. The contact details are at the end of this page.

What if I need to change a delivery date or time?

Please contact the Patient Services department at the homecare provider as they will be able to re-arrange deliveries.

Do I still need to come to the hospital appointments?

Yes. You will still be monitored by the medical staff at the hospital. It is important that you attend all hospital appointments and tests arranged for you.

What if I am going on holiday or staying away from home?

If you are staying in the United Kingdom, deliveries can be made to an alternative address anywhere in the country.

Please contact the Patient Services department at the homecare provider to discuss your requirements. You must also let your hospital clinical team know.

Will there be times when I need to collect this medication from the pharmacy department at the hospital?

The hospital pharmacy department may be able to dispense your medication if your doctor decides that you need the medication urgently.

What do I do if there is a problem with my delivery?

In the first instance please call or e-mail the Patient Services department of the homecare provider. They will be able to help you and rearrange any delivery. If they need anything from the hospital (such as another prescription) they will be able to contact the hospital on your behalf. Some providers have a website, mobile app or online portal which can be used to track your delivery.

If you are having problems and the homecare provider is unable to help you, they will usually pass on a message to the appropriate clinic contact in the hospital. If you are still concerned call the number on this page (Clinic/Department contact).

You should contact your usual clinical team if you have any specific concerns regarding your treatment or require medical assistance.

Your responsibilities

In order to make homecare delivery of medication work effectively the following is expected of you:

  • If you have arranged a delivery time with the homecare provider, please make sure you are in to receive the delivery as failed deliveries put a strain on the system.
  • If you change any of your contact details, please make sure the homecare provider is aware of the changes. You do this by contacting the Patient Services department. When it comes to scheduling a delivery, they need to have up-to-date contact details for you.
  • If you are going away for a while and think you may miss a delivery, please contact the homecare provider (Patient Services) and your hospital clinical team. They may be able to arrange to deliver your medication earlier for you or to another address but they will need plenty of time to organise this for you.
  • If you think you may be running out of your medication and have not been contacted by the homecare provider to arrange a delivery, please contact their Patient Services number. They will contact the hospital if they need another prescription for you.
  • If you experience any side effects or adverse events to any medication, this must be reported to the homecare provider or hospital team immediately

What if I want to complain about or compliment the homecare service?

We understand that errors can happen and if you do have any concerns about your treatment or the service, you should raise this at the earliest opportunity so that any issues can be resolved efficiently

  • Both the homecare provider and the Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust are keen to hear any complaints or compliments about your homecare service.
  • If you wish to send feedback or complain to HealthNet Homecare or Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust please e-mail or call using the contact details below.

Contact information

In your HealthNet Homecare patient ‘Welcome pack’ you will find the contact details of your dedicated homecare support team. If you are unable to contact the team, please contact Patient Services.

HealthNet Homecare Patient Services

Tel: 0800 0833 060

E-mail: with the words ‘Official complaint’ in the subject heading if making a complaint.



Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)


Freephone: 0800 019 3282

The PALS Office, Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, Great Western Road, Gloucester GL1 3NN

If you are not happy with the response from the homecare provider you can raise your complaint with:

The Care Quality Commission (CQC), Care Quality Commission (England), Citygate Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4PA


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HealthNet Homecare Delivery GHPI1557_05_24 Department: Pharmacy Review due: May 2027 PDF, 305.6 KB, 6 pages
Reference number GHPI1557_05_24
Department Pharmacy
Review due May 2027