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This page gives you information about how to raise an informal concern or share a compliment about the services at Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.


We are here to support you

We aim to provide the best care for our patients but sometimes things do not always go according to plan. If you are not satisfied with the care or treatment that you or a relative has received, it is important that we know so that action can be taken to resolve the problem quickly.

Before you raise a concern with our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS), you may want to discuss your concerns with the staff providing the care or service, as they may be able to resolve the issue for you. Most concerns can be dealt with at this stage but in some cases, you may feel more comfortable speaking to someone not directly involved. If this is the case, please contact PALS to raise an informal concern.

Raising an informal concern with PALS

PALS will try to help resolve your concerns informally, avoiding the need to make a formal complaint.

Speaking to a PALS advisor can be helpful if your issue is urgent and you need action immediately. For example, you may have a problem with an appointment or wish to discuss the care you or your relative is receiving while in our hospitals.

Our PALS team will listen to each concern raised and help agree a prompt solution for you. They can also provide information about other services, both inside and outside our hospitals, which may be helpful.

How to contact PALS

In person

PALS have drop-in sessions most week-day mornings where you can speak with an advisor face to face. The PALS drop-in office is based on the ground floor of the Tower Block at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital (this is our main office).

The drop-in sessions are available:

Monday and Friday, 10:00am to 12:00 noon

Tuesday and Wednesday, 10:00am to 3:00pm


You can write to PALS with your informal concern using the address below. A PALS advisor will respond to you in 5 working days.

PALS Office

Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, Great Western Road, Gloucester GL1 3NN


All calls to PALS are transferred to an answer phone. The call will then be triaged to determine the urgency of your concern. When calling, please leave your name, contact number and a brief message with details about the concern that you wish to discuss. You will be contacted by a PALS advisor within 3 working days.

Tel: 0800 019 3282


Emails to PALS are reviewed throughout the day. On receipt of your email, you will receive an acknowledgement from one of our PALS advisors and they will outline how your informal concern will be addressed.


What to do if you are not happy following support from PALS

If you feel that a satisfactory solution has not been reached by speaking with staff directly or by liaising with our PALS team, we encourage you to raise a formal complaint.

Complaints should be made within 12 months of an incident or of it coming to your attention.


You can contact our Complaints Department via post, phone or email:

Complaints Department

Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, Great Western Road, Gloucester GL1 3NN

Tel: 0300 422 5777 or 0300 422 5779

If your call is not answered, please leave your name, contact details and a brief message and a member of the team will return your call.


If you are thinking about making a formal complaint but you feel you require support to do so, you can get help from an NHS complaints advocate.

An advocate can help you to write a complaint letter and attend meetings with you. However, they cannot make the complaint for you or give medical or legal advice.

You can contact an NHS Complaints Advocate at any stage of the process.

For more information, please write to, telephone, email or visit the following website:

POhWER (Advocacy, making your voice heard)

PO Box 14043, Birmingham B6 9BL

Tel: 0300 003 1162 (calls are charged at the local rate)



Sharing a compliment with PALS

There are occasions when care and treatment within our hospitals goes well and you may wish to share positive feedback, or say thank you to the staff who you have met or who have cared for you or your relative. If this is the case, our PALS advisors can make sure it is passed onto staff for you.

You can forward your compliments to PALS via our postal address or email.

Alternatively, you can visit ‘Your chance to say thank you’ address in your internet browser. This will take you to a page where you can click on the link ‘Say thank you to the team or ward involved in your care’. You can then select the hospital and department you wish to compliment or thank and complete your message.

PALS can also support you with the following

Languages and formats

If you or your relative need information in a different format such as large print, braille, easy read or in a different language, please contact PALS who will be able to support you with this.

This page can also be made available in other languages and formats on request.

Your information

If you require information about how your health record is stored or used within our hospital, PALS can provide advice about this.

Alternatively, you can visit the webpage below for more information:


If you are a carer and require advice while supporting a patient or relative in hospital, PALS can help you. In addition, a copy of our ‘GHPI1044 Carers Handbook’ is available from PALS. The handbook sets out what support carers can expect from the hospital and other services provided by the NHS in Gloucestershire.

You can also access a copy of the One Gloucestershire leaflet ‘Information for Carers’ at:


Information for Veterans and Armed Forces Families attending Gloucestershire Hospitals can be found at PALS.

PALS can also support veterans and their families with information about local charities and external support networks.

Messaging Service

PALS offer a service to enable you to send a message or photograph to a loved one, while they are in hospital. Your message will be presented in colour and delivered in a specially designed envelope. If you wish to send a message, please email the PALS team directly at:

PALS Champions

PALS Champions are specially trained ward clerks who support our PALS service. The champions are spread over a number of wards in Gloucestershire Royal and Cheltenham General Hospitals. If you are a patient, relative or carer on a ward and would like additional support, please ask if a PALS Champion is available.

External support

Unfortunately, PALS are unable to support with any concerns relating to external NHS services such as your GP, the Ambulance Service or Community based services. If you wish to raise an informal concern or formal complaint about these services, you can contact the following teams for support.

Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board

GP’s, Pharmacy or Dentists

Tel: 0800 0151 548


Gloucestershire Health and Care Trust

Mental Health, Community Hospitals and District Nursing

Tel: 0300 421 8313


South West Ambulance Service Trust

Tel: 01392 261585


Adult Social Care Helpdesk

Social care support at home

Tel: 01452 426868


Printable version of this page

How to raise an informal concern or share a compliment with our Patient Advice and Liaison Service GHPI1880_01_25 Department: Patient experience Review due: January 2028 PDF, 323.0 KB, 7 pages
Reference number GHPI1880_01_25
Department Patient experience
Review due January 2028