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This Care Plan is designed for you and your family/carer. It contains information relevant to you and your ongoing treatment following your stroke. To fill in your Stoke Discharge Care Plan, please print the PDF attachment, below.

Information about your stroke

Please make note of the date you were first admitted to hospital and who your consultant was.

I have been diagnosed as having had

Please make note of what you have been diagnosed as having had:

  • Ischaemic stroke
  • Haemorrhagic stroke
  • I received thrombolysis
  • I received thrombectomy

My health targets

Please make note of your current Blood Pressure level, the target level must be no higher than: 130/80

Please make note of your current Cholesterol level, the target level must be no higher than: 4.0


You will be given your list of medications on a separate sheet. Please take these as directed.

Please make an appointment to see your GP to arrange repeat prescriptions and to review your health targets.

Continue to reduce your risk of stroke

  • Taking your medications as directed
  • Managing your blood pressure
  • Managing your cholesterol
  • Controlling diabetes (if appropriate)

Changes to your lifestyle might include

  • Stopping smoking
  • Eating a healthy and varied diet
  • Making sure you stay at a healthy weight
  • Keeping active, doing regular exercise
  • Being careful not to drink too much alcohol

Eye health

  • Please consider regular optician reviews

I will have support on discharge from

Community Stroke Nurse

General Practitioner

You may also receive support from the Early Support Discharge Team.

Referrals made

You may have the following referrals made:

  • District Nurse
  • Orthoptics (vision assessment)
  • I received thrombolysis
  • I received thrombectomy

If you have been referred to the Community Stroke Nurse, the contact number is 0300 421 7198

Your named nurse may be:

  • Steve Carpenter
  • Sine Clarke

Contact information

HASU (Hatherley Ward, Cheltenham General Hospital)

0300 422 4343/3617

Woodmancote Ward Cheltenham General Hospital

0300 422 4406 or 4476

Stroke Specialist Nurses

0300 422 2951/4135

Therapy Team

0300 422 6715


Adult Help Desk (Social Services)

01452 426868

Stroke Association

0303 3033 100

Re-Connect Befriending

0747 999 9919

Printable version of this page

Stroke Discharge Care Plan GHPI1224_11_24 Department: Stroke Review due: November 2027 PDF, 273.7 KB, 4 pages
Reference number GHPI1224_11_24
Department Stroke
Review due November 2027