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Call for Concern© is a patient safety service run by our Acute Care Response Team (ACRT) and Children and Young People's Team

Call for Concern is a patient safety service for adult inpatients, children and young people, families and friends to call for help and advice if they or their family are concerned that there is a noticeable change or deterioration in their condition.

When to use Call for Concern©

Call the Acute Care Response team or Children and Young People's team if:

  • there is a significant change in the patient’s condition and, after discussion with the health care team, concerns have not been addressed
  • it is not clear what the plan is for the patient following a discussion with the health care team.
    • For adult inpatients: 07976 071 450
    • For Children and Young People: 0300 422 2222 stating that you are making a referral under Martha's Rule

What happens next?

The ACRT or Children and Young People's team may provide advice over the phone or, depending on the issue, they will visit the ward to discuss your concerns further. Read more in our Call for Concern patient information leaflet.

When not to use Call for Concern©

Call for Concern© is a patient safety service.

The service should not be used to report general problems regarding a patient’s care, for example, issues with the hospital bed, room, food, parking etc. Find our alternative methods to raise a concern, or provide your feedback.


There is emerging evidence that the integration and communication of patient worries and concerns has huge potential to improve the quality and safety of patients at risk of deterioration alongside the analysis of vital signs, laboratory data, patient history and clinical judgement.

Already established in some other Trusts, this pilot project is about implementing and spreading reliable methods for patients, their families and carers to escalate worries and concerns about acute illness deterioration, whilst ensuring their concerns are documented in the patient's health record, with evidence that the concerns have been considered and acted on by the healthcare team.